Board of Governors

His Royal Highness, Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah
Royal Patron

Tun Mohammed Hanif bin Omar

YTM Tunku Dato' Seri Kamel Bin Tunku Rijaludin
Conference of Rulers Representative

Tan Sri Azman bin Mokhtar
Conference of Rulers Representative

Tan Sri Abdul Hamid bin Embong
Conference of Rulers Representative

Tan Sri Dr. Ahmad Tajuddin bin Ali
Conference of Rulers Representative

Tan Sri Zamzamzairani bin Mohd Isa
Conference of Rulers Representative

Datuk Khalilur Rahman bin Ebrahim
Conference of Rulers Representative

Y.M. Tunku Dato' Ahmad Burhanuddin bin Tunku Dato' Seri Adnan
MCOBA Representative

Datuk Dzulkifly Bin Mohd Zain
MCOBA Representative

En. Ahmad Faisal Bin Fauzi
PIBG Representative

Tuan Haji Azman Adnan
MOE Representative

En. AB Aziz bin Mamat
MOE Representative

Mohd Shahadan bin Abd Rahman