
Prep School
This block was completed by 1913 when it took in its first boarders. It was then referred to as the Prep school. Hostel for Form 1.
New Hostel
Built in 1972. Hostel for Form 2.

Built in 1963, and renovated in 2019. Hostel for Form 3.
East Wing
East Wing was added in 1955 and serves as Hostel for Form 4 & Form 5.

West Wing
West Wing was added in 1955 and serves as Hostel for Form 4 & Form 5.
The most recognizable feature of MCKK is the Overfloor (built in 1909), a building with pseudo Greco-Roman architecture fronted by a rugby field. This building is used as a hostel for Form 4 & Form 5 students.